Become a Friend of the Bureau

Support and encourage the Bureau of International Affairs

We would like you to become a full member of B’nai B’rith UK, but if you would prefer to be associated with us as a friend, we would be pleased to have your support.

Friends of B’nai B’rith UK’s Bureau of International Affairs, unlike members, do not have to be members of the Jewish faith but are people who are sympathetic to our aims. Friends will receive all the resources that the Bureau has produced, past and present, including a PDF of its main book Israel and the Middle East and important research papers.

Friends are also entitled to attend one breakfast meeting a year in a glamorous London location where they can listen to a major diplomat on important issues of the day.

In addition, they will be entitled to attend the series of online talks that the Bureau organises with major figures in the worlds of diplomacy and politics. They will also receive the quarterly newsletter which provides a summary of the Bureau’s recent activities

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